A blade
micrometer capable of reading measurements in-between portions of
a cast of a larger dimension is used for non-round shape sizing bearings.
Again, it's accuracy is measured by the ability of the person using
it to be able to apply even pressure for multiple readings.
For non-round
shapes and the TAPTITE®1,
more inspection is needed with expertise in the field to understand
the geometry of the shape(s) in question and full understanding of
the relations of the shapes that make up the part to be headed. First
Header Die, Inc. does not bid on anything it can not make with distinguished
quality. If a customer does not have full understanding of the geometry
of the part, the die manufacturer must. It is important to purchase
from a company that demonstrates its commitment to quality first.
With non-round shape dies, the buyer may not have the ability to distinguish
the difference in quality of the dies.
TAPTITE is a registered trademark of REMINC. First Header Die, Inc.
is a licensed tooling manufacturer for the North American Continent.